Education & Food


We Strive to…

  • Provide tuition sponsorships for children who could not otherwise attend school.

  • Ensure and strengthen stable, quality, Christian teaching staffs through consistent funding for salaries and ongoing education.

  • Enhance the learning environment of these 5 schools through improvements to curriculum and facilities.


Food in Haiti

In Haiti, children go to bed hungry almost every day. They don’t understand the idea of breakfast, lunch and dinner. These children are never sure when they will next eat, and most never know the feeling of a full stomach.

Several organizations, including Holy Cross, are doing what they can to help these starving children. We have challenged ourselves to raise enough money to feed the students at our five schools in Haiti.

It will take $57,000 to feed the approximately eleven hundred children enrolled in the schools. To help us achieve our mission, we partnered with Trinity/HOPE, an organization dedicated to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to the children in Haitian schools. Trinity/HOPE has been helping to educate and feed the children of Haiti for nearly 15 years.

Trinity/HOPE does God’s work very efficiently. They prepare a filling, nutritious meal of beans and rice every school day at a cost of only 27 cents per child. Through their stewardship, 97 cents of every dollar you donate is used directly to buy and serve food.

We have committed to feeding eleven hundred students in the coming year and need to raise the money to do so. For only $52 dollars, you can feed one child for the entire school year! But every contribution, no matter the size, is greatly appreciated. Please help feed a child and change a life!

Our Schools in Haiti

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Dondon is located about 20 miles south of Cap-Haitien, and is home to one of the larger congregations in the North District. The congregation operates a school (which has been accredited by the government). The building is not complete. Currently, it is one-story with a metal roof and a concrete floor. The original intention was to have two stories, and as funding becomes available, the roof will be raised and a second story added. During school days, the building is divided up for classroom use.


Saint Raphael

Saint Raphael is located about 38 miles from Cap-Haitien, on one of the higher, drier plateaus in the area. The congregation operates a school. The property at Saint Raphael is almost 4 acres in size, very dry and rocky land. There is a good well that has been drilled nearby, as well as a community well that is well-cared-for and secure. The church building at Saint Raphael is blocked with a metal roof and has a concrete floor. The school meets in the same room as the church.

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The new sanctuary is complete, thanks to your generous donations! There is a community well provided by the church on the property and all are welcome to collect water during daylight hours. The building hosts a classroom separate from the sanctuary where worship is held. We couldn’t be happier with how everything turned out.

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Grande-Riviere-du-Nord is located about 12 miles south of Cap-Haitien. The congregation also operates a school that opened in the fall of 2012. (After canvassing the neighborhood, they thought they were going to start with 15 students and ended up having 80 show up.) Located in a residential part of town, this lot has a partial wall (about four feet in some places, eight feet in others). The building has been given some recent facelifts-rebuilding some walls and a new roof!

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Airport School

This property is located closer to the airport than the others and serves as our newest project where a whole school will be built! This picture shows some students catching up on their studies. All students are provided with a daily meal thanks to Trinity/HOPE and YOU! Thank you so much for your generous contributions - these students can now have a place to learn about Jesus and grow with one-another in faith, love, and life!

School Photo Gallery