Mission Ministries

"From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required." 

Many of us have been given great gifts and we want to give back to those who do not have what they need to survive. Holy Cross has identified four key ministries that are in great need of assistance, for those who have extra resources and would like to give.


Holy Cross supports five churches/schools in Haiti. Hundreds of children are enrolled in these schools each year. They are not funded by the government and rely solely on donations. These schools provide one hot meal for lunch. They also provide vitamins to help the children grow, receive a great education, and gain knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In order to keep these teachers in our schools we need to be able to pay them. Child lunches cost 27 cents a day, and for some, this is their only meal. There are also so many children who are not sponsored. Please consider helping out. Contact the church office to learn more!


Holy Cross helps support UrbanArk in downtown Canton. UrbanArk seeks to proclaim Jesus and share His love with our less fortunate friends in the inner-city. This food and clothing ministry helps about 400 families each month. Donations given to Holy Cross marked for UrbanArk helps purchase food from the Food Bank. Also, if you would like to volunteer your time, the pantry is open every Tuesday from 11:30 to 2:00 and the 1st & 3rd Thursday evenings from 6:45 to 8:00pm.

In our Backyard

The Holy Cross food pantry provides non-perishable food for those who come in, asking for food. And when available, food vouchers are given to Fisher's Foods. This voucher system was chosen because they can only be redeemed for perishable items like meat or milk. Donations of food items can be placed in the labeled bins under the coat racks in the north and west entrances. Funds are collected for the vouchers in the Wednesday morning Ladies' Bible Study, or you can give your donation to someone in the office and they will make sure it gets to the proper place.