Want to know more about our registration process? We would love to show you around our school and go over our many preschool options, prices and how to register. Tours are given Tuesday’s through Friday’s beginning at 9:45 through 11:00. Call and set up a time to come and visit to learn more!

Growing young minds while

creating community.


Holy Cross Preschool is an extension of the ministry at Holy Cross Church. We provide an excellent learning experience for each child while keeping Christ at the center of everything we do.  As each child grows intellectually, emotionally and physically we form caring, Christian relationships with our families that last a lifetime.

our staff

All members of our staff were chosen because they show genuine interest and love for children and concern for all areas of their development. Our teachers meet all the state requirements for teaching in an early childhood setting. Our teachers have four-year education degrees, associate degrees or child-development associate degrees. Staff members are required to accumulate in-service hours every two years. In this way they can stay tuned to new ideas in early childhood education and exchange ideas with other area professionals.

Our Program

We provide experiences in language arts, number recognition and counting, science, social studies, religion, music and rhythm, fine and large motor development, crafts, art and manipulatives. Our instruction is aligned with the State of Ohio, Early Learning Content Standards. All teachers are trained extensively in every area of early child development.

Holy Cross Preschool & Childcare is dedicated to a Christ centered, high quality education.

Lower staff-to-child ratios. Our teachers have more time to support your child's individual development and learning.

  • Teacher : Child ratios on classroom as follows:

    • 2-year-old classroom provides 1:6 and 2:12

    • 3-year-old classroom provides 1:10 and 2:16

    • 4- and 5-year-old classrooms provide 1:10 and 2:20

The team of administrators and teachers complete over 100 hours per year of specialized training to expand their education and skills to better support your child's development and learning.

  • Trainings include, but not limited to:

    • Applying Social and Emotional Learning Strategies with Toddlers and Preschoolers

    • Supports Student in Inclusive Settings

    • Promoting Critical Thinking Skills in Preschool Children

Teachers develop lesson plans that support each child's growth. Our teachers plan intentional and purposeful activities and experiences that meet the needs, interests and abilities of each child.

The program completes semi-annual assessments to evaluate and improve the learning experience. Assessments are completed individually with your child to help keep track of their educational and social growth. Assessments are provided to the parent/caregiver and discussed at parent/caregiver conferences. 

Community involvement is utilized to provide more opportunities for children and families.

class room schedule

Every preschool class schedule includes the following elements every day:

  • Circle Time: Includes a variety of activities including, but not exclusive to the following: calendar, weather, stories, songs and finger plays, a time to talk about the educational objectives of the day.

  • Center/Project Time: Teacher planned activities are carried out during this time.  Our teachers plan their activities carefully with educational objectives and Early Learning Content Standards in mind. While the children’s interests are taken into consideration when planning units, we believe there are core educational skills children this age need to learn in order to do well in school. Ours is not a program devoted to random play where learning may or may not take place.  We set up play activities with intentional, planned learning outcomes, many of which are open-ended with children discovering concepts that exceed the scope of what was planned.

  • Active Play Time: Every schedule includes 15 minutes of active play time, either in the indoor play space or outside on the playground.   

  • Snack Time

  • Show and Tell

  • Bible Time and Chapel: The children attend a Chapel Service on Tuesdays and Fridays. Classes have Bible Time every other day. At the preschool level, religious instruction is non-denominational as children this age are not ready to comprehend the deeper points of theology.

  • Time for Socialization: Social and Emotional growth is a crucial part of child development. This takes place during all of the activities listed above. 

Enrollment Procedure

Families who wish to register their child will be sent a parent portal invite after their information has been added to our portal.

There is an annual registration fee of $75.00.  The registration fee for siblings is $30.00.   Checks are to be made payable to “Holy Cross Preschool”.  Registration fees are not refundable. 
The following forms are required.

1. Child Enrollment and Health Information Form / Registration Form: Both forms must be filled out entirely and must be submitted before a child is officially enrolled. If any allergies or medical problems are identified on the form, a separate Medical/Physical Care Plan may be required. We reserve the right not to admit children to our center if permission to transport has been denied.  These forms is good for one calendar year only.

2. Medical Statement:  A medical statement signed by a physician or certified nurse practitioner is required to be submitted within 30 days of the child’s first day. Children are not permitted to attend once the 30 days have passed if we do not have this form in our possession.

3. Media Release: The Media Release permits us to take and display photographs of your child.

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